Oregonians cycle offroad every year.
Representation matters
That’s right, 15% of Oregonians mountain bike every year. And it’s contagious. Alongside other quiet, low-impact, human-powered forms of recreation, mountain biking deserves a voice in the future of Oregon’s trails. Until now, no organization has brought to our state’s policymakers a unified, statewide voice for mountain biking.
The Oregon Mountain Biking Coalition is comprised of, and directed by, organizations from around the state.

Our work
Our work advances Oregon as a premier mountain biking destination, offering a diverse set of riding experiences in all settings, from backcountry to urban, for riders of all types and abilities.
Misconceptions persist about the sport of mountain biking. We educate policymakers and the public, bringing to light nationally-recognized research and best practices for building, maintaining, and managing mountain biking destinations.
At the state level, and in special instances, locally and nationally, we advocate for specific outcomes on behalf of our member organizations, accelerating their mission.
We function as a communication hub between our member organizations, sharing information and opportunities while gathering the input that forms our priorities and advocacy positions.
By facilitating the cross-organizational planning, fundraising, permitting, and resource sharing essential for projects beyond the capacity of a single member organization, we enable more ambitious concepts to be considered and delivered.
Oregon has more
mountain bikers than

“The Oregon Mountain Biking Coalition is Oregon’s statewide mountain biking advocacy group, a coalition of regional trail organizations representing thousands of mountain bikers across the state.
We advocate for, create, enhance, and protect mountain biking experiences in the State of Oregon.”

“Establishing healthy behaviors during childhood is easier and more effective than trying to change unhealthy behaviors during adulthood.”

Research shows a link between health and academic success.

““Biking is a way for me to relieve my stress.””
““I can get my energy out and be tuned in for class.””
““[Biking] makes me feel strong and powerful.””

Outdoor recreation in Oregon generates $16.4 billion, bicycle tourism alone feeds
into the economy.
Oakridge, a rural town of 3,200 residents sees 35,000 mountain bikers each year that spend
$2.3 - $4.9 MILLION

On average, mountain bikers
DROP $491
for a weekend mountain biking trip.

Mountain bikers are a large, diverse segment of Oregon’s population and are uniting to accomplish common goals and develop a unified voice.
The Oregon Mountain Biking Coalition is in its infancy and wants your help to grow. Do you work with an organization you think should have representation at OMBC? Do you know a company that would like to support the OMBC financially? Would you like to be an individual supporter? Are you a land manager or entity that wants to know what Oregonians who mountain bike think?