1st Annual OMBC Mountain Bike Legislative Day in Salem
“It turns out there are 620,000 of us.
Do your representatives know who you are? ”
The Oregon Mountain Biking Coalition will be hosting the first annual Oregon MTB Legislative Day in Salem on February 27th. The OMBC is working to create new opportunities and ensure that our community's concerns are heard by state lawmakers.
But no one receives the same attention from a lawmaker as a constituent does - that's why we want you to join us in Salem on February 27th to meet directly with the lawmakers elected to represent your district.
That's right--OMBC will be waiting for you in Oregon’s capital city to introduce you to your district representative. And the more riders we have the stronger our voice is for mountain bikers.
We particularly need to be joined by riders from some of the suburban and rural areas of our state--areas where we can gain great new riding opportunities.
The only thing we ask of you is a desire to make Oregon the best place to ride! If you've ever wanted to have a direct hand in advocacy, this is your chance. The OMBC will be on site to coordinate meetings, facilitate discussions, and answer any questions.
We'll provide issues briefings, training, and a rundown of what to expect when you meet with your lawmakers. We ask that you plan on spending most of the day so we have flexibility in scheduling and can make the best use of your time. Once you sign up we’ll provide you with a bit more info on logistics, including meeting times and locations.
Be there at the start of this landmark annual event and RSVP below so we can begin scheduling meetings.
Experience: None needed! OMBC staff will arrange meetings and provide training that morning. This really is a fun opportunity to make a difference and connect with like-minded riders!
When: February 27th, 2019 @ 9:00am - 4PM Where: Venti’s Café in Salem Who: YOU! What: Making history by bringing mountain biking recreation discussions straight to our representatives.
Already registered for Legislative Day and have a question?
Need to cancel your registration?
Email mattheww@nw-trail.org